Monday, March 3, 2008

29 days. 1 outfit.

It was decided late into January that we would try an experiment for an entire month. The whole month of February was spent wearing one outfit. It was to experience what many people in countries have and also a lesson in simplicity. Even though we did have exceptions because sometimes clothes are demanded for certain things, I learned a few things while going through the experiment.

1) The hardest part (which in reality wasn't that hard) was putting on the dirty clothes right after a shower. It just felt gross to be putting on something that I have been wearing for a week (I did laundry pretty much every 7 days).

2) Change in weather really sucked. I wore jeans in my outfit because it was very cold. When it was very sunny though, it was annoying not to be able to put on shorts. I think of the fact that changing into various things is quite the luxury.

3) People don't really notice. I now bring up the fact that I had been wearing the same outfit for an entire month and people are flabbergasted. The only people who noticed were either doing the experiment as well or were told. It's interesting to see that not that many people notice what you wear. This is different than a high school setting but still I would expect some people to notice.

4) I look in my closet and notice that I don't need all the clothes I have. Very soon the closet is going to be cleaned out.

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